Property Management
- Full property management & accounting software used for operations is Caliber
- Preparation of annual plan calendar with budget
- 24 Hour Emergency Service
- Regular site inspections
- Bid Specification Preparation on all maintenance projects
- Solicitation of Contractor Bids
- Bid analysis on all proposals
- Contractor oversight
- Management of full site Common Areas
- Comprehensive record keeling for all management activities
- Recommendations for any preventative maintenance needs
- Full financial software used for operations is Caliber
- Budget Preparation
- Timely payment of all Association bills
- Lock box security/collection of Association fees
- Delinquent Status
- Audit Assistance
- Computerized Monthly Financial Package
- Balance Sheet
- P&L
- Account Payable Listing
- Budget vs. Actual variance comparison

- Monthly Management Report
- Tracking of all Associations Insurance Certificates
- By-Laws/Master Deed Review
- Rules Enforcement
- Insurance Coverage Review
- Board Meeting Attendance
- Meeting Agenda Preparation
- Homeowner File Maintenance
- Resale processing/tracking
- Welcome packet distribution to all new owners
- Maintenance Request Documentation & Follow up
- Complaint Documentation & Follow up
Consulting Services
TMK also offers consulting services. Perhaps you’re currently self-managing and have specific questions on rules revisions, by-law amendments or budgeting. We are happy to assist in any area of your Associations management operations to keep you on track.
We also offer assistance with helping our Associations go green. If you have a lot of archived history for the Association that is in boxes that the Association is paying for storage on, why not convert those files into CDs and save Association funds. We will assist in finding the right reproduction company in your area that will scan all your homeowner files as well as archived files to CDs and review the archives to reduce the volume of items you’re saving.
Services for consulting are set on a specific fee for service based agreement. If you think that you need guidance on Association matters, contact us for further direction on how TMK can assist you.